Firstly, may I wish you a very Merry Christmas.
I hope you have a peaceful and relaxing Christmas and start 2024 feeling refreshed and ready for any challenges that work might have for us in 2024; as I have outlined below, there are a few changes on the horizon for managing employees!
As ever I am here to offer help and support, so do keep me in mind if you have any people issues you need support with, or would like me to review your policies, contracts or handbooks to make sure they are all up to date.
Once again, Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.
Changes in employment laws that will come into effect in the UK from 2024, particularly related to the National Minimum Wage (NMW) and other relevant regulations.
National Minimum Wage Increase: The national living wage (the top rate of the national minimum wage) is extended to apply to workers aged 21 and over (before 1 April 2024, the top rate applies to those aged 23 and over).
The national minimum wage rates increase as follows:
The rate for workers aged 21 or over (the national living wage) increases to £11.44 per hour (previously £10.42 for workers aged 23 or over).
The rate for workers aged at least 18 but under 21 increases to £8.60 per hour (from £7.49).
The rate for workers aged 16 to 17 increases to £6.40 (from £5.28).
The apprentice rate increases to £6.40 (from £5.28).
Please ensure your payroll systems are updated to reflect these changes to avoid any compliance issues.
Changes in Employment Laws: In addition to the NMW adjustments, there are lots of upcoming changes in employment laws that you should be aware of (don’t worry though, as you are a retained client I’ll update you as each one comes nearer to make sure we are compliant!)
Holiday pay: From April 2024 if you have staff that work irregular hours you may pay them a top of 12.07% for holiday pay, instead of having to keep a record of how much holiday accrued.
Right to request predictable hours: Staff who are contracted for irregular hours can request a more predictable work pattern. An employer can refuse but must have good reason to. (Sept 2024)
Flexible Working Rights: From July 2024 there are changes coming in for flexible working requests, making it easier for employees to request and you must respond within a shorter time period.
Carers Leave: The Act provides for one week of unpaid leave per year for employees who are providing or arranging care for a dependant (such as an elderly parent). It is not yet known when regulations will be introduced but maybe as soon as April 2024
Protection from Redundancy: The law is offering better protection from redundancy for people returning from maternity or family leave (April 2024 expected) so they have an extra protection for 6 months from their return to work.
Neonatal Leave and Pay: A new entitlement for parents if their baby is born early and has to stay in hospital. (expected April 2025)
TUPE: No need to hold an election of representatives for small businesses, or transfers of less than 10 employees. (01 July 2024)
Workers protection act: This relates to taking reasonable steps to prevent staff being sexually harassed at work by a 3rd party, I’d hope you’re all already doing this but the law is likely to come into effect from Oct 2024.
What You Need to Do: I recommend the following actions:
Review Payroll Systems: Make sure your payroll systems are updated to reflect the new National Minimum Wage rates.
Stay Informed: Keep an eye on further updates and announcements related to the Employment Bill and other employment law changes, I can let you know as and when these are confirmed.
Training: Ensure that your managers are aware of these changes and know where to find additional advice if needed. I can deliver training on these changes and other areas of People Management if this is helpful to you?
Policies and Communication: Ensure your policies are updated where needed and communicate these changes to your employees, assuring them that you are committed to maintaining a fair and compliant workplace.
If you have any questions or need assistance with the changes, of course please call or email me.