With the growing increase in part time and flexible working arrangements more employers are having to do some complicated sums to calculate their employees annual leave
All employees are entitled to at least 5.6 weeks' paid holiday in proportion to the hours they work. ('pro rata').
You can work this out by the number of days they work a week x 5.6.
For example, if they work 3 days a week, they're entitled to 16.8 days’ paid holiday (3 x 5.6) a year.
This includes bank holidays, so if they are not at work on a bank holiday but this is a day they would usually work then they must deduct a day from their entitlement.
If the employee works different hours on different days, albeit a set pattern, then its better to do the calculations into hours and then deduct the correct amount of hours each time they are off.
If your employer gives full-time employees more than the statutory annual leave (for example, 6 weeks), then part-time employees must get the same, calculated pro rata.
If the employee works varied hours then you must look back at the past 12 weeks to calculate what they are entitled to. this increase to the past 52 weeks as on April 2020.
Its a complicated area, but BreatheHR has a calculator to help https://www.breathehr.com/holiday-calculator or of course feel free to call me and I will be happy to help.

#annualleave #parttime #flexible working